Q. YG recently broadcasted a survival program called ‘WIN’. You debuted in a similar environment so your views are different than other people?
GD: this is the first male group since BIGBANG debuted so i hope they do well, but they still have a long way to go so I’m a bit worried.

Q. Are you the type that will give them a lot of advice?
GD: Yes, I will answer their queries as long as they ask me questions. I vividly remember when I was a trainee like them and my sunbae was Dongwook hyung (Se7en). He really took care of us. If we said we didn’t eat well, hyung would buy meat for us to eat. I lasted until today because of how well he took care of us so I also want to motivate my hoobaes with encouragement, even if only a few words.

Q. I thought you would be a fearful sunbae (laughs)
GD: I still haven’t shown my scary side to them yet but I will when needed. That’s my responsibility. I’m looking forward to see them shine and I hope they work hard so other people will also do the same. Right now it seems that people are only paying attention to them because they are the first male group since BIGBANG. It seems like they can’t use their talent to attract people.

Source: F.OUND Mag. BBUNS
Trans by @mystifize